IEEE Workshop on Topological Data Analysis and Visualization
in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2024, Florida, USA

Submission Instructions

Paper Submission

The paper submission portal is now open! For submission, go to the PCS submission portal. Create an account or login to your existing account. Then, go to the Submissions tab and select Society ‘VGTC’, Conference ‘VIS 2024’ and Track ‘VIS 2024 TopoInVis’ from the drop-down options.

TopoInVis is accepting regular papers in the IEEE VGTC format. The papers can be up to 9 pages of content, plus up to 2 additional pages of references. The submissions will be reviewed following a single-blind review process by the members of our international program committee.

The submission of abstract is required prior to the submission of a paper.

Abstract Submission for Early Career Lightning Talks

For submission of abstracts for early-career lightning talks, please follow this link to submit the abstract and answer a few questions about yourself.

Important Dates